August 26, 2022

1, EU Registers ‘Smoke-Free Generation’ Citizens’ Initiative

EU published‘Smoke-Free Generation’ Citizens’ Initiative

What do you think ECI says it will collect 1 million statements of support in 6 months.

EU Registers ‘Smoke-Free’ Citizens’ Initiative


2, Tax Inspectors Seize Gold Leaf Tobacco’s Assets

South African Tax Inspectors Seize assets of Gold Leaf Tobacco Company

Gold Leaf Assets Seized


3, Court Upholds Ban on Smoking in Public Housing

What does the “Court Upholds Ban on Smoking in Public Housing” about?

Click the link to know.

(The U.S Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has the authority to prohibit smoking in public housing with federal Subsidies.)

Court Upholds Public Housing Smoking Ban


4, Spanish NGO Urges EU Commission to Restrict Vape Sales

Spanish NGO urges European Commission to restrict vape sales

(Learn how Michael Randall, director of the World Vape Users Alliance (WVA), explains this)

Spanish NGO Urges EU Commission to Restrict Vape Sales


5, Why did Hawaii’s Democratic governor veto a bill to ban e-cigarette flavours?

Why did Hawaii’s Democratic governor veto a bill to ban e-cigarette flavours?

Why did Hawaii’s Democratic governor veto a bill to ban e-cigarette flavours?

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